The Special Care Center—A Joint Venture to Address Chronic Disease
The Atlantic City HEREIU Local 54 Health and Welfare Fund and AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center partnered to develop the “Special Care Center” (SCC), a new clinic that provides coordinated care management to patients with multiple chronic illnesses. The new center recruited and trained a group of frontline health workers to serve the functions of both health coaches and medical assistants. The SCC developed a new job category and wage scale within the AtlantiCare system to recognize the challenging and vital work of this group of Patient Care Assistants.
This 2014 summary updates the original 2010 case study with new information on staffing, clinical outcomes, reimbursement, and more.
Innovative Workforce Models of Health Care is a series of case studies showcasing primary care practices that are expanding the roles of medical assistants and other frontline workers in innovative ways. The organizations selected are implementing practice models that improve organizational viability and quality of care for patients while providing career development opportunities to frontline employees. This research is supported by the The Hitachi Foundation.