California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
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Designating Sobering Centers in the Care of Acute Intoxication
Shannon Smith-BernardinProject Goal: In response to current California legislation (AB 1544 Community Paramedicine or Triage to Alternate Destination Act) and the CalAIM Medi-Cal Reform (proposing In Lieu of Services to establish sobering care), create a national accreditation program through the National Sobering Collaborative to launch in midi-2021.
October 26, 2020View/Download PDF
My Vote. Our Health.
Efrain TalamantesProject Goal: To increase civic engagement among approximately 175 AltaMed physicians by increasing their civic engagement activities by Summer 2020.
October 26, 2020View/Download PDF
Meeting Acute Care Patients’ Behavioral Health and Social Needs through Multi-Disciplinary Partnership
Hemal KanzariaProject Goal: Sustain and expand the ZSFG Social Medicine program by September 2020 via a) Securing $2M in financial support to grow team; b) Investing in staff engagement and professional development, and assessing measures of teamwork and engagement; c) Developing new internal and external cross-sector partners to expand service delivery – e.g., housing + substance use linkage; d) Scaling this team-based model of care to ZSFG inpatient and psychiatric units, and 1 outside hospital; e) Tracking # patients served, # admissions/readmissions averted, % reduction in return ED visits, % reduction in non-billable lower-level-of-care inpatient days; and f) Disseminating work via academic publication and other forums.
October 22, 2020View/Download PDF
“Psychiatry Cares” Urgent Psychiatry Pathway
Mercedes KwiatkowskiProject Goal: To provide virtual psychiatric consultation to 10 patients per week with urgent psychiatric needs within 72 hours of seeing their PCP. This will decrease levels of PCP burnout, decrease number of urgent referrals to psychiatry, and increase percentage of referrals accepted by psychiatry.
October 22, 2020View/Download PDF
Spreading ACEs and Trauma-Informed Care at Santa Rosa Community Health
Deirdre Bernard-PearlProject Goal: The goal of the project was to train all staff at Santa Rosa Community Health on Trauma-Informed Care and ACEs screening and to begin universal ACEs screening by 2021.
October 22, 2020View/Download PDF
Optimal Health for All – Debiasing Clinic
Michael ChangarisProject Goal: Using a train the trainer model a series of three trainings, a set of clinically applicable tools for each and a training team will be training to deliver the training. The training will be conducted for all county employees by June 2022.
October 22, 2020View/Download PDF
Equity in SCPMG Physician Leadership
Shari ChevezProject Goal: Develop, socialize and utilize a Diversity Dashboard to benchmark, goal set and create accountability to increase representation of Female Stipend Physician Leaders in Southern California Permanente Medical Group (SCPMG).
October 22, 2020View/Download PDF