California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
Search CHIPs
Overcoming the Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage
Tam NguyenProject Goal: To increase access to behavioral health services by: (1) expanding the behavioral health provider (BHP) network, (2) using virtual behavioral health (BH) visits, and (3) adding mobile health (m-health) tools through a partnership with a health service technology vendor that functions as the central hub to facilitate referrals and match patients to the right care pathway.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
An Ounce of Prevention: The LADHS Journey to Improve Quality through Efficient Patient Outreach and Engagement
Anshu AbhatProject Goal: To create a more efficient patient outreach process around common healthcare quality goals. This will improve patient experience and increase clinic staff direct patient care and engagement.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Multi-Division High-Utilizer Case Management Pilot
Mariana NoyProject Goal: To analyze Contra Costa County’s 175,708 Medi-Cal eligible county residents as of June 2018 and run models to identify the predictors of avoidable hospital utilization over a 13 month period. Predictors considered are insurance status, race/ethnicity, age, history of detention, marital status, sex, living alone/social isolation, history of homelessness, and English speaking.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Primary Care for the Mind: Improving Mental Health Access for Children
Lee Atkinson-McEvoyProject Goal: 1.To create a program to increase the knowledge and efficacy of UCSF Health Pediatric Network PCPs to diagnose and manage children with mild to moderate ADHD, Depression and Anxiety and to partner in a consultative model of care with Child Psychiatry. 2. Increase access for children with mental health conditions by having PCPs managed mild to moderate conditions and increasing capacity in psychiatry for moderate to severe conditions.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Launching a Scalable Collaborative Care Model for Depression in UCSF Primary Care
Margo PumarProject Description: To develop and implement a Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) pilot that increases access to mental health services, improves patient outcomes for depression, increases patient and provider satisfaction, and is financially sustainable.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Maximizing Operating Room Availability for Trauma Patients
Christopher BayneProject Goal: To maximize operating room (OR) space and decrease OR backlog for adult upper extremity trauma patients.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Integrating Quality & Safety Across Two Children’s Hospitals
Arpi BekmezianProject Goal: To design a strategy to integrate the quality and safety programs at Benioff Children’s Hospital-San Francisco and Benioff Children’s Hospital-Oakland.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF