California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
Search CHIPs
Improving Physicians Engagement at Riverside University Health System
Parastou FarhadianProject Goal: To improve communication between Riverside University Health System (RUHS) administration and front-line physicians as a way to increase physician satisfaction.
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Tackling the Opioid Crisis in El Dorado County
Veronica Velasquez-MorfinProject Goal: To increase county wide medication-assisted treatment capacity, promote safer prescribing practices, and implement harm reduction services to decrease overdose death in El Dorado County.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
A Comprehensive Program to Provide Consistent Education to Pediatric Hospitals
Zoey GooreProject Goal: To develop a comprehensive and consistent pediatric hospital based services (Pedi HBS) professional development program that supports development of core competencies in Pediatric Hospital Medicine, aligns local and regional performance improvement goals, and will give Pedi HBS physicians the tools to drive change, grow professionally, and be proactive in their own learning.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Surgical Backlog Reduction via Scheduling Improvements and Use of an Outpatient Procedure Suite
Giselle WillickProject Goal: To reduce operating room backlog for elective cases by implementing surgery scheduling efficiencies, enhancing monitoring capabilities and expanding an outpatient procedure suite to improve surgical access.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Improving Patient Access Time For Urgent Referrals To Specialists
Ramesh KesavaluProject Goal: To improve specialty physician access time for urgent referrals to less than 4 days.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Low Threshold Access to Buprenorphine Treatment within Permanent Supportive Housing
Kellene EagenProject Goal: To create a proposal to pilot an accessible treatment model for residents of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) with opioid use disorders through collaboration with on-site nursing staff.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF
Meeting Patients Where They Are: The CareMore @ Home Program
Demetria MalloyProject Goal: To engage complex patients in outpatient care in the field who have high rates of inappropriate use of emergency room and inpatient facilities, but low rates of outpatient clinic care.
September 1, 2019View/Download PDF