California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
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Public Health and Correctional Health Collaboration to Prevent Congenital Syphilis in Los Angeles County
Sonali KulkarniProject Goal: To prevent congenital syphilis cases by screening women whose circumstances put them at higher risk of no or late prenatal care and elevated risk of syphilis by conducting the first national pilot of newly Food and Drug Administration approved rapid point-of-care syphilis test in the Los Angeles County women’s jail (Century Regional Detention Facility).
September 1, 2018View/Download PDF
Identifying a Digital Platform to Improve Access to Psychiatry Consultation in Primary Care
Cheryl BaggeroerProject Goal: To improve access to psychiatry consultation and to increase the competency and comfort level of Psychiatry Consultation Programs and Behavioral Health Providers in Alameda County’s Federally Qualified Health Centers in delivering behavioral health care to their patients.
September 1, 2018View/Download PDF
Texting Members to Bridge Gaps in Care
Johanna LiuProject Goal: To improve timely preventative care and chronic condition management using texting to help health plan members get care when they need it.
September 1, 2018View/Download PDF
Act Together: Increase Employee Engagement with a New Model of Forum Theater Case Conferencing
Josh BanerjeeProject Goal: To develop a sustainable and scalable program that can improve survey measures of employee engagement for all health care staff everywhere.
September 1, 2018View/Download PDF
Improving Coordination of Care for Medi-Cal Patients in the Sacramento Valley
Kapil DhingraProject Goal: To reduce avoidable utilization for Medi-Cal and Medicare patients without adequate connection to outpatient and specialty care by working with outside payors and medical groups.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Highly Engaged Multi-Disciplinary Team’s Impact on Inpatient and Emergency Department Utilization
Patti OliverProject Goal: To decrease emergency department utilization and inpatient admissions.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF
Utilizing an Electronic Scantron Form to Optimize Clinical Quality Measures
Victor DominguezProject Goal: To implement a process utilizing an electronic scantron form that will achieve satisfying Clinical Quality Measures while decreasing staff/provider manual input.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF