California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
Search CHIPs
A Model for Integrating Behavioral Health Services into LA County’s Public Safety Net Primary Care Clinics
David HindmanProject Goal: To increase Los Angeles County primary care patients’ access to broad range behavioral health (BH) services by integrating BH providers into primary care medical homes.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF
Planned Parenthood as Primary Care Provider: Tracking Women's Health Needs
Jennifer RussoProject Goal: To develop an improved tracking system for delivery of high quality health care for women in their reproductive years, and have begun to use data to demonstrate and improve performance.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF
The Galileo Project: The Global Risk Playbook for Transformative Population Health
Ali KhanProject Goal: To build, validate, and implement a replicable high-risk/utilizer care management program focused on upstream health risk reduction – for payors and providers approaching global financial risk.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF
The Expected Practice: Standardizing Specialty Consultation
Monica SoniProject Goal: To increase utilization of existing clinical pathways (expected practices) by primary care physicians through improved integration into daily workflow.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF
Efficient Delivery of Palliative Care Across a Safety Net System
Anne KindermanProject Goal: To enhance access to supportive services to patients with serious illness requiring complex psychological needs by developing a palliative care resource directory.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF
Addressing Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Communities
Candy Stockton-JoretegProject Goal: To increase access to medication-assisted therapy in Shasta County by increasing the number of providers waivered to prescribe buprenorphine.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF
A Model for Home Based Palliative Care
Lowell KleinmanProject Goal: To increase access to ambulatory palliative care by establishing a financially sustainable service line within MemorialCare’s hospice program.
September 1, 2017View/Download PDF