California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
Search CHIPs
Supporting Primary Care Leaders to Thrive in an Era of Transformation
Susan ScheidtProject Goal: To support primary care leaders and managers in the San Francisco Health Network by enhancing well-being and vibrancy in four key areas: Mind, Body, Emotions, and Spirit.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF
Bringing Hepatitis C Cure into Primary Care for the Urban Underserved
Joanna EvelandProject Goal: To develop a sustainable and replicable model to treat and cure Hepatitis C within the community clinic setting, which increases Hepatitis C treatment access for vulnerable populations through both internal and external collaboration.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF
Creating Care Teams at the Women’s Community Clinic
Elizabeth SteinfieldProject Goal: To build a sustainable visit model that ensures high quality clinical care, increases visit numbers, enhances client access and clinic efficiency, and maintains client and staff satisfaction.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF
Collaborating with Health Plans to Improve Care for Homeless High Utilizers
David FolsomProject Goal: To enroll, house, and track healthcare costs for 20 people who are homeless and high utilizers of emergency healthcare.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF
Building A Better Discharge Pathway
Felicia TornabeneProject Goal: To improve hospital flow to better accommodate incoming admissions, eliminate upstream delays in the emergency department, and improve the experience for new patients waiting for beds by decreasing the time between discharge order to discharge and moving the median patient discharge time earlier in the day.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF
Leveraging an Integrated Health Care System to Improve Quality of Care by Reducing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Reza GoharderakhshanProject Goal: To adopt and share regional best practices on Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) prevention, minimize clinical care variation across the Kaiser Permanente facilities, and decrease the volume of CAUTI cases per year by 20% while improving patient care experience.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF
Leveraging Physician – Coder Dyads to Improve Electronic Health Record Problem List Quality
Veko VahamakiProject Goal: To improve medical record quality and study project clinical benefit for our Medicare Advantage patients.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF