California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
Search CHIPs
Reducing Opiate Overdoses Through Safe Opiate Prescribing Support
Ori TzvieliProject Goal: To reduce opiate overdoses in Contra Costa County by 10% by the end of 2016.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Improving Patient Experience through Empanelment
Holly GarciaProject Goal: To improve access and patient experience by implementing a system-wide, standardized approach to empanelment and panel size management.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Decreasing Decline in Condition and Acute Hospitalization Through Effective Care Planning
Madonna ValenciaProject Goal: To improve appropriate care & reduce decline in residents’ condition and acute hospitalization.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
The California Health and Human Services Open Data Portal
Estella GeraghtyProject Goal: To increase the usability of publicly available data by launching an Open Data portal at the California Department of Public Health.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Technology Coordinating Group Redesign – A Value Proposition
Ronald WyattProject Goal: To improve the value of capital equipment purchases, especially new technology, in Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Strategic Guide for Free Clinics to Navigate Affordable Care Act
Eliza GibsonProject Goal: To develop a strategic framework that will serve as a comprehensive tool for free clinics to apply to their organizations to ensure financial sustainability, patient population management and service delivery over the next three years.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Building a Business Intelligence and Data Governance Strategy
Albert YuProject Goal: To create a business intelligence strategy with a data governance ecosystem that is sustainable, accountable, and foundational to building a data-driven organization.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF