California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
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The Kaiser Permanente Technical Assistance Program
Maria UreñaProject Goal: To formalize the existing technical assistance program and develop an organized, inclusive, structured application process by which the safety net is able to apply for technical assistance and grant dollars available to them.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
Specialty Consult Optimization: A Path Toward Improved Access
Myung-Moo LeeProject Goal: To reduce demand for specialty visits and improve access.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
Integrated Intensive Care for the Critically Injured
Gregory VictorinoProject Goal: To improve the quality of the intensive care provided to the critically injured trauma patients at Alameda Health Systems through an integrated and multidisciplinary comprehensive approach.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
Promoting Team Care and Support for High Risk High Cost Patients
Ann LindsayProject Goal: To develop, deliver and evaluate SCC clinical team training workshops which enable practice changes promoting patient centered team care for patients with chronic health conditions. Effective clinical teams will recapture the joy of practice and be better able to provide patient-centered care to people with chronic health conditions, improving their outcomes and experience of care, and reducing cost of care.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
A Community Health Strategy for the Safety Net
Melissa MarshallProject Goal: To support coordinated care of high-cost patients in more appropriate health care settings with centralized data analytics.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
Development of a Patient Advisory Board in a Community Health Center
Ricardo AlvarezProject Goal: To develop and sustain a Patient Advisory Board by September of 2014.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
Family Information Navigation Desk
Kelley MeadeProject Goal: To improve the health of families we serve by enhancing their connections to basic community resources through increased navigation services.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF