How Collaborative Practice Agreements Impede the Provision of Vital Behavioral Health Services
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed issues relating to Scope of Practice (SOP) regulations and restrictions on Nurse Practitioner (NP) practice to the forefront. Many Governors issued Executive Orders allowing waivers to current SOP restrictions in order to maximize the workforce response to the COVID-19 crisis. Numerous studies show autonomous NP practice to be safe and effective. A recent study by Brendan Martin from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing along with Healthforce Center faculty, Susan Chapman, and Beth Phoenix from the UCSF School of Nursing describes the costs and burdens of physician supervision for Psychiatric Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. These restrictions may limit patient access to much needed mental health services during the crisis.
Please contact author Susan A. Chapman, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, for access to the full paper.