
Healthforce Center partners with organizations nationwide to address their research needs through rigorous workforce analysis. We collaborate with researchers within UCSF, as well as other organizations, to assemble the best team to approach the issue at hand. Our studies have spanned critical issues across the industry, from minimum nurse staffing ratios, to underrepresented minority dentists, to the use of electronic health records. Healthforce Center is uniquely positioned to identify and understand the most pressing health workforce issues, to empower leaders to address these issues, and to produce knowledge that influences policy. To read more about our projects and impact, see the list below.
Search Projects
COVID-19 Health Workforce Surge Planning
Profiles of Health Professions in California
Healthforce Center has prepared a series of brief reports on California’s health care workforce in seven health professions for the University of California Office of the President.
Multi-Site Evaluation of Innovative Oral Health Workforce Interventions
Oral health is a significant concern among vulnerable populations that are plagued by coverage, quality, and payment challenges, as well as by other health issues.
UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care
The UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care (UCSF HWRC) is a dynamic hub of policy-oriented research and...
Workforce Recruitment in the Safety Net
Safety-net providers often report challenges recruiting and retaining staff, particularly for high-cost, high-demand professions such as registered nurses and physicians.
Increasing the Workforce that Provides Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Medication treatment for opioid use disorder is an important component of efforts to reduce the high social costs of prescription and non-prescription opioid abuse and mortality.
The Impact of Nurse Staffing on Birth Outcomes
Nursing care is a core element of patient safety and quality within hospitals, but measures for the quality of nursing care during birth have not been established.