2008-2009 Annual School Report: Data Summary and Historical Trend Analysis
Each year, the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) requires all pre-licensure registered nursing programs in California to complete a survey detailing statistics of their programs, students and faculty. The survey collects data from August 1 through July 31 of the following year. Information gathered from these surveys is compiled into a database and used to analyze trends in nursing education. The BRN commissioned the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) to conduct an historical analysis of data collected from the 2000-2001 survey through the 2008-2009 survey. In this report, we present nine years of historical data from the BRN Annual Schools Survey and describe trends in the data. All nine of the surveys used in the analysis include questions regarding program administration, student and faculty demographics, and student admission, completion and retention rates.