Healthforce Center partners with organizations nationwide to address their research needs through rigorous workforce analysis. We collaborate with researchers within UCSF, as well as other organizations, to assemble the best team to approach the issue at hand. Our studies have spanned critical issues across the industry, from minimum nurse staffing ratios, to underrepresented minority dentists, to the use of electronic health records. Healthforce Center is uniquely positioned to identify and understand the most pressing health workforce issues, to empower leaders to address these issues, and to produce knowledge that influences policy. To read more about our projects and impact, see the list below.
Search Projects
Demand For Nurses In California
Health care in California and in the nation requires an adequate supply of well-prepared professional nurses.
Surveys and Studies of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Healthforce Center researchers have conducted numerous surveys and studies of advanced practice registered nurses, including nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and...
Arizona Health Workforce Demand Study
Arizona’s health care employers are facing many challenges in training, recruiting, and retaining an adequate workforce.
Research Support for the Campaign for Action for the Future of Nursing
In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on the Future of Nursing released a report called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.
Nurse Workforce Studies for the California Board of Registered Nursing
UCSF has conducted studies of the supply, education, and other aspects of California’s nursing workforce for the California Board of Registered Nursing since 2005.
This program used grant funding and technical assistance to build the capacity of health care organizations to integrate equity into quality improvement efforts.
How Scope of Practice Laws Impact Care in California
This series examines the scope of practice of selected California health professions.