Healthforce Center partners with organizations nationwide to address their research needs through rigorous workforce analysis. We collaborate with researchers within UCSF, as well as other organizations, to assemble the best team to approach the issue at hand. Our studies have spanned critical issues across the industry, from minimum nurse staffing ratios, to underrepresented minority dentists, to the use of electronic health records. Healthforce Center is uniquely positioned to identify and understand the most pressing health workforce issues, to empower leaders to address these issues, and to produce knowledge that influences policy. To read more about our projects and impact, see the list below.
Search Projects
Alzheimer's Staffing, Services and Outcomes in Adult Day Health Centers
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and AD-related dementia (ADRD) is a profoundly debilitating disease with risk increasing with age (Alzheimer's Foundation of America, 2016).
Shortage of Primary Care Workers in California
Over the past 16 months, Healthforce Center at UCSF has gathered information to help policymakers, consumers and leaders of health care delivery organizations and education institutions better...
Evaluation of Support At Home Pilot Program
Support at Home (S@H) is a pilot program of the San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services to provide home care vouchers to keep San Francisco adults with disabilities and seniors living...
Developing Recommendations for the Workforce for Care of People with Complex Health Issues
As the United States continues to experience growth in the population older adults, there is an urgent need to improve care for individuals living in the community with chronic and serious illness...
Language Access Systems Intervention (LASI)
This three-year effort will evaluate a language access systems intervention (LASI) and test evidence-guided and patient-centered interventions to reduce disparities for Chinese- and Spanish-...
Underrepresented Minority Dentists in the United States: A National Survey
A severe underrepresentation of minority providers persists despite evidence of the benefits of a diverse workforce.
Oral Health Workforce Research Center (OHWRC)
Access to oral health care has become a growing concern over the past decade. Despite efforts to improve the oral health of the nation's population, oral health disparities persist.