Healthforce Center partners with organizations nationwide to address their research needs through rigorous workforce analysis. We collaborate with researchers within UCSF, as well as other organizations, to assemble the best team to approach the issue at hand. Our studies have spanned critical issues across the industry, from minimum nurse staffing ratios, to underrepresented minority dentists, to the use of electronic health records. Healthforce Center is uniquely positioned to identify and understand the most pressing health workforce issues, to empower leaders to address these issues, and to produce knowledge that influences policy. To read more about our projects and impact, see the list below.
Search Projects
Enhancing the Utilization of Peer Providers in California
Peer providers are individuals with lived experience who are hired to provide direct support to persons in recovery from mental health (MH) and/or substance use disorders (SUD).
Assessing the Adequacy of the Behavioral Health Workforce in California
Around 18 percent of adults in California report needing help for mental health problems or issues with substance abuse, but can the state's behavioral health workforce meet this growing demand?...
Implementation of Clinical Decision Support Tools Into a Large Group Dental Practice
The use of clinical decision support (CDS) tools to develop individualized, evidence-based treatment plans is becoming increasingly popular with electronic health records (EHR).
Community Health Workers in California
The Affordable Care Act is significantly impacting care delivery.
Reducing Oral Health Disparities in Children: Assessing the Multilevel Impact of a Standardized Preventative Care System
Dental caries, and its resulting cavities, is the most common disease of childhood, causing significant costs to individuals and society.
Evaluation of Community Paramedicine Pilot Projects
In November 2014, the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development authorized a Health Workforce Pilot Project that assessed the feasibility of community paramedicine, a model of...
California Physicians’ Participation in Medicaid
Recent increases in enrollment in Medi-Cal (California’s Medicaid program) due to the Affordable Care Act have heightened concerns about whether sufficient numbers of physicians are participating...