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Measurement of Nonbillable Service Value Activities by Nurse Practitioners, Physicians Assistants, and Clinical Nurse Specialists in Ambulatory Specialty Care

Revenue-generating health care activities, generally accepted as a measure of productivity, do not account for the full range of health care activities that enhance patient care. We analyzed the...

Author(s): Shira Winter, Garrett Chan, Clair Kuriakose, Karen Duderstadt, Joanne Spetz, Debbie Hsieh, Charlene Platon, and Susan Chapman
Date: June 30, 2020

Scope-of-Practice for Nurse Practitioners and Adherence to Medications for Chronic Illness in Primary Care

Nonadherence to medications is costly and improving adherence is difficult, requiring multifactorial solutions, including policy solutions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of one...

Author(s): Ulrike Muench, Christopher Whaley, Janet Coffman, and Joanne Spetz
Date: June 24, 2020

Financial Vulnerability and Worker Well-Being: A Comparison of Long-Term Services and Supports Workers With Other Health Workers

Over 1.5 million new jobs need to be filled by 2026 for medical assistants, nursing aides, and home care aides, many of which will work in the long-term services and supports (LTSS) sector. Using 16...

Author(s): Ulrike Muench, Matthew Jura, Joanne Spetz, Rachel Mathison, and Charlene Herrington
Date: June 20, 2020

How Collaborative Practice Agreements Impede the Provision of Vital Behavioral Health Services

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed issues relating to Scope of Practice (SOP) regulations and restrictions on Nurse Practitioner (NP) practice to the forefront. Many Governors issued Executive Orders...

Author(s): Brendan Martin, Bethany J. Phoenix, and Susan A. Chapman
Date: June 19, 2020

Service Value Activities by Nurse Practitioners in Ambulatory Specialty Care

The increase in nurse practitioners (NPs) in ambulatory medical and surgical specialty settings has prompted inquiry into their role and contribution to patient care. We explored the role and...

Author(s): Shira G. Winter, Karen Duderstadt, Garrett K. Chan, Joanne Spetz, Linda M. Stephan, Erin Marsuda, and Susan Chapman
Date: June 2, 2020

Missed Nursing Care During Labor and Birth and Exclusive Breastfeeding During Hospitalization for Childbirth

The purpose of this study was to determine associations between missed nursing care and nurse staffing during labor and birth, and exclusive breast milk feeding at hospital discharge. Labor and birth...

Author(s): Kathleen Rice Simpson, Audrey Lyndon, Joanne Spetz, Caryl L. Gay, and Gay L. Landstrom.
Date: May 28, 2020

Forecasts of the Registered Nurse Workforce in California

This report presents supply and demand forecasts for the Registered Nurse (RN) workforce in California from 2019 through 2035. These new forecasts are based on data from the 2018 California Board of...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz
Date: May 2020

Chapter 8: The Oral Health Workforce

The dental team is becoming increasingly interprofessional, working collaboratively with medical, social, and mental health professionals. This chapter defines the types of personnel involved in the...

Author(s): Elizabeth Mertz, Karl Self, Jean Moore, and Hannah Maxey
Date: May 2020

2018 Survey of Registered Nurses

The 2018 Survey of Registered Nurses provides information about the demographics, education, employment, and satisfaction of nurses with California RN licenses. 

Author(s): Joanne Spetz and Lela Chu
Date: May 2020

Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

Three of every four pharmaceutical overdose deaths in 2010 involved opioids, according to the CDC. This sobering statistic focused attention on the rapid acceleration and devastating impact of the...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz
Date: May 2020