Browse Publications

Survey of Nurse Employers in California, Fall/Winter 2018-19

This report summarizes the findings from a survey of general acute care hospital employers of registered nurses (RNs) in California conducted in fall 2018 and winter 2019. This is the ninth annual...

Author(s): Lela Chu and Joanne Spetz
Date: April 23, 2020

Ensuring and Sustaining a Pandemic Workforce

Current efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic aim to slow viral spread and increase testing, protect health care workers from infection, and obtain ventilators and other equipment to prepare for a...

Author(s): Erin P. Fraher, Patricia Pittman, Bianca K. Frogner, Joanne Spetz, Jean Moore, Angela J. Beck, David Armstrong, and Peter I. Buerhaus
Date: April 8, 2020

CIN Connections, Spring 2020: Foundations for Health

The California Improvement Network’s (CIN) latest report, CIN Connections: Foundations for Health, features tips for resilient leadership and building partnerships between health providers and...

Date: April 8, 2020

There Are Not Nearly Enough Nurses to Handle the Surge of Coronavirus Patients: Here’s How to Close the Gap Quickly

Recent analyses have raised concerns about whether the United States has enough hospital capacity for a surge of patients needing care for COVID-19 infections. But even if we can double or triple the...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz
Date: March 31, 2020

Factors Associated with Physical Injury of Police Involvement During Incidents of Workplace Violence in Hospitals: Findings from the First Year of California’s New Standard

Violence against healthcare workers is a pervasive safety issue that impacts patient care and workforce stability. Workplace violence in healthcare settings is known to be a costly and often...

Author(s): Rachel Odes, OiSaeng Hong, Robert Harrison, and Susan Chapman
Date: March 12, 2020

2018-2019 Annual School Report: Data Summary for Pre-Licensure Nursing Programs

The 2018-2019 Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) School Survey was based on prior BRN surveys and modified based on recommendations from the Nursing Education & Workforce Advisory Committee (NEWAC...

Author(s): Lisel Blash
Date: March 11, 2020

California’s Psychiatry Workforce Challenges

In his 2020 State of the State address, California Governor Gavin Newsom called for the state’s counties to spend Mental Health Services Act funds more quickly to assist the 1 in 6 California adults...

Author(s): Janet Coffman
Date: March 2, 2020

Sex Differences in Salaries of Department Chairs at Public Medical Schools

Women in academic medicine are paid less than their male peers. This salary difference is often attributed to differences in rank and promotion. The goal of this study was to investigate whether sex...

Author(s): Michael Mensah, Whitney Beeler, Lisa Rotenstein, Reshma Jagsi, Joanne Spetz, Eleni Linos, and Christina Mangurian
Date: March 2, 2020

2018-2019 Annual School Report: Data Summary and Historical Trend Analysis

The 2018-2019 Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) School Survey was based on prior BRN surveys and modified based on recommendations from the Nursing Education & Workforce Advisory Committee (NEWAC...

Author(s): Lisel Blash
Date: February 14, 2020

Modernizing Scope-of-Practice Regulations — Time to Prioritize Patients

Ongoing payment reforms are pressing health systems to reorganize delivery of care to achieve greater value, improve access, integrate patient care among settings, advance population health, and...

Author(s): Bianca K. Frogner, Erin P. Fraher, Joanne Spetz, Patricia Pittman, Jean Moore, Angela J. Beck, David Armstrong, and Peter I. Buerhaus
Date: February 13, 2020