Browse Publications

Electronic Health Record Availability Among Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and Physicians

OBJECTIVES: To characterize availability of electronic health records (EHRs) at the primary practice locations of certified nurse midwives (CNMs), nurse practitioners (NPs), and physicians in...

Author(s): Janet M. Coffman, Joanne Spetz, Kevin Grumbach, Margaret Fix, Andrew Bindman
Date: November 1, 2014

Dental Workforce Capacity and California's Expanding Pediatric Medicaid Population

The number of children eligible for Medicaid dental coverage in California will increase to nearly 5 million because of the Affordable Care Act the transition of nearly 880,000 children from...

Author(s): Carrie Tsai, Cynthia Wides, Elizabeth Mertz
Date: November 1, 2014

Leader States in Personal Care Aide Training Standards

This report highlights seven “leader states” in training standards for Medicaid-funded personal care aides (PCAs). Although our previous research has demonstrated a paucity of standards in most...

Author(s): Abby Marquand, Susan A. Chapman
Date: October 31, 2014

Central Massachusetts Community Health Center Partnership: Update 2014

The Central Massachusetts Community Health Center Partnership (CMCHCP) is a collaborative effort of employers and training centers intended to address the workforce needs of Worcester-area community...

Author(s): Lisel Blash, Catherine Dower, Susan A. Chapman
Source: Healthforce Center at UCSF
Date: September 2, 2014

Physician Participation in Medi-Cal: Ready for the Enrollment Boom?

Report on findings from a 2013 survey of a sample of California physicians regarding their participation in Medi-Cal (California's Medicaid program) the eve of the implementation of the Affordable...

Author(s): Janet M. Coffman, Denis Hulett, Margaret Fix, Andrew B. Bindman
Date: August 11, 2014

Survey of Nurse Employers in California, Fall 2013

This report summarizes the findings from a survey of general acute care (GAC) hospital employers of registered nurses (RNs) in California, conducted in fall 2013. This is the fourth annual survey of...

Author(s): Tim Bates, Lela Chu, Dennis Keane, Joanne Spetz
Date: August 6, 2014

Diversity in California’s Mental Health Workforce and Education Pipeline

Current data suggest that segments of California’s mental health care workforce are becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. The psychology profession continues to be a predominantly White...

Author(s): Tim Bates, Lisel Blash, Susan A. Chapman
Source: Healthforce Center at UCSF
Date: July 31, 2014

Non-White Students Make up the Majority of Californians Pursuing Health Care Education

This issue brief explores two related phenomena: growth in the number of non-White students pursuing health professions-related education, and the role played by private for-profit institutions play...

Author(s): Tim Bates, Catherine Dower, Susan A. Chapman
Source: Healthforce Center at UCSF
Date: July 31, 2014

The Growth of For-Profit Colleges in California: Impacts on the Health Professions

The growth of for-profit postsecondary institutions in the US has been the focus of several national studies, media reports, and legislative activity in recent years. Concerns have been raised about...

Author(s): Tim Bates, Catherine Dower, Susan A. Chapman
Source: Healthforce Center at UCSF
Date: July 31, 2014

Direct Access to Midlevel Dental Providers: An Evidence Synthesis

Objectives: Direct access is a term that describes the ability of patients to seek health care from midlevel dental providers (MLDPs) without first seeing a dentist. The objective of this study was...

Author(s): Paul Brocklehurst, Elizabeth Mertz, Katarina Jerkovic-Cosic, Anne Littlewood, Martin Tickle
Date: June 20, 2014