Browse Publications

The Pathway to Leadership: Lessons from Clinic Leadership Institute

The community health center movement that was founded in the mid-1960s has since grown into a complex system of clinics that are critical to the delivery of high quality, comprehensive health care...

Author(s): BTW Informing Change
Date: May 2011

Nurse Staffing Effects on Patient Outcomes: Safety-Net and Non-Safety-Net Hospitals

BACKGROUND: Nurse staffing has been linked to hospital patient outcomes; however, previous results were inconsistent because of variations in measures of staffing and were only rarely specific to...

Author(s): Mary Blegen, Colleen Goode, Joanne Spetz, Thomas Vaughn, Shin Hye Park
Source: Medical Care
Date: April 1, 2011

UC Davis Family Practice Center—Medical Assistants Anchor Residency-based Medical Home

In response to long wait times and low patient satisfaction scores, the University of California, Davis Medical Center Department of Family and Community Practice redesigned its residency-based...

Author(s): Lisel Blash, Catherine Dower, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Apr 2011

University of Utah Community Clinics - Medical Assistant Teams Enhance Patient-Centered, Physician-Efficient Care

The University of Utah Community Clinics’ success in achieving a remarkable financial turnaround empowered the organization to innovate further in order to improve the patient experience. The...

Author(s): Lisel Blash, Catherine Dower, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Apr 2011

A Study of California Nurses Placed on Probation

The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) is responsible for protecting the health and safety of the public by regulating registered nurses (RNs) in the state. Nurses put on probation by the...

Author(s): Renae Waneka, Joanne Spetz, Dennis Keane
Date: March 19, 2011

Hospital RN Job Satisfaction and Nurse Unions

The objective of the study was to examine whether unionization is associated with job satisfaction among RNs in the United States using nationally representative surveys of RNs. Factors that predict...

Author(s): Jean Ann Seago, Joanne Spetz, Michael Ash, Carolina Herrera, Dennis Keane
Date: Mar 2011

California Board of Registered Nursing 2009-2010 Annual School Report Data Summary for Pre-Licensure Nursing Programs

The survey collects data about nursing programs and their students and faculty from August 1 through July 31. Annual data presented in this report represent August 1, 2009 through July 31, 2010....

Author(s): Tim Bates, Dennis Keane, Joanne Spetz
Date: February 9, 2011

The Effect of Unions on the Distribution of Wages of Hospital-Employed Registered Nurses

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: We estimate the impact of unionisation on the wage structure of hospital-employed registered nurses in the USA. We examine whether unions have an effect on wage differences...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz, Michael Ash, Charalampos Konstantinidis, Carolina Herrera
Date: Jan 2011

Alternative Practice Dental Hygiene in California: Past, Present, Future

This study examines the development of the registered dental hygienist in alternative practice in California through an analysis of archival documents, stakeholder interviews, and two surveys of the...

Author(s): Elizabeth Mertz, Paul Glassman
Date: January 1, 2011

Collaborative Practice in American Dentistry: Practice and Potential

As the US seeks to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of the oral health care delivery system – in order to reduce stark disparities in oral health utilization and outcomes that exist in...

Author(s): Elizabeth Mertz, Vanessa Lindler, Catherine Dower
Date: January 1, 2011