Browse Publications

Hospital Information Technology Systems' Impact on Nurses and Nursing Care

OBJECTIVE: We conducted a review of the literature to determine the impact of health information technologies (HITs) on nurses and nursing care. BACKGROUND: Nurses' effective use of HIT has the...

Author(s): Renae Waneka, Joanne Spetz 
Date: Dec 2010

Implementation of a Lifestyle Program in Primary Care by Nurse Practitioners

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation process and participant satisfaction with a lifestyle program provided by nurse practitioners (NPs) in primary care to adults at...

Author(s): Robin Whittemore, Gail D'Eramo Melkus, Nanette Alexander, Stacie Zibel, Elizabeth Visone, Ulrike Muench, Elizabeth Magenheimer, Stephanie Wilborne
Source: PubMed
Date: December 1, 2010

Assessing Workforce Needs and Opportunities for School Based Health Centers in California

School based health centers go beyond the traditional services of a school nurse to provide comprehensive care – including primary and mental health care – to students. The centers are seen as a way...

Author(s): Catherine Dower, Bonnie Preston
Date: Dec 2010

High Plains Community Health Center—Redesign Expands Medical Assistant Roles

High Plains Community Health Center, a federally qualified health center in Colorado, redesigned its workflow to increase productivity by increasing the number of support staff per provider. Medical...

Author(s): Lisel Blash, Catherine Dower, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Nov 2010

Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park Medical Center Information Technology Propels Expansion of Medical Assistant Role

Kaiser Permanente Southern California has developed an innovative tool, the Proactive Office Encounter (POE), embedded in its cutting-edge electronic health record system, HealthConnect. The POE...

Author(s): Lisel Blash, Susan A. Chapman, Catherine Dower
Date: Nov 2010

The Special Care Center—A Joint Venture to Address Chronic Disease

The Atlantic City HEREIU Local 54 Health and Welfare Fund and AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center partnered to develop the “Special Care Center” (SCC), a new clinic that provides coordinated care...

Author(s): Lisel Blash, Susan A. Chapman, Catherine Dower
Date: Nov 2010

Cabin Creek Health Systems-Medical Assistants Provide a Senior Medical Home

Cabin Creek Health Systems, a federally-qualified health clinic in West Virginia, trained a team of experienced Medical Assistants to provide risk assessments and care coordination to elderly...

Author(s): Lisel Blash, Catherine Dower, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Nov 2010

California Nurses Facts and Figures, 2010

Close to 300,000 actively licensed registered nurses (RNs) live in California, making nursing the largest health profession in the state. California’s RN workforce has doubled in size since 1980, and...

Author(s): Tim Bates, Catherine Dower
Date: Nov 2010

The Impact of National Health Care Reform on California's Health Workforce

Policy brief on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on demand for health professionals in California and on provisions of the Affordable Care Act that address health workforce needs.

Author(s): Janet M. Coffman, Gilbert Ojeda
Date: Oct 2010

Is There Monopsony in the Labor Market? Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Recent theoretical and empirical advances have renewed interest in monopsonistic models of the labor market. However, there is little direct empirical support for these models. We use an exogenous...

Author(s): Douglas O. Staiger, Joanne Spetz, Ciaran S. Phibbs
Date: October 11, 2010