Browse Publications

Evaluation of the Centralized Clinical Placement System (CCPS) and the Centralized Faculty Resource Center (CFRC)

Nursing schools have reported a lack of clinical placement sites and insufficient numbers of qualified nursing faculty as two of the prominent barriers to expansion of their nursing programs. The...

Author(s): Renae Waneka, Joanne Spetz, Jennifer Kaiser
Date: August 1, 2009

California Board of Registered Nursing 2008 Survey of Registered Nurses

The biennial California Survey of Registered Nurses provides information about the demographics, education, and employment of registered nurses in the state.

Author(s): Joanne Spetz, Dennis Keane, Carolina Herrera
Date: Jul 2009

The Utilization of Medical Assistants in California’s Licensed Community Clinics

Medical Assistants (MAs) play a key role as clinical support staff in California’s licensed community clinics. This issue brief examines patterns in community clinic utilization of MAs over the...

Author(s): Tim Bates, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Jul 2009

Career Programs for California’s Pipeline of Secondary Students: An Opportunity to Address the State’s Workforce Shortages

The study examined health career programs for the state’s pipeline of secondary students. It revealed a broad range of program structures, including academy models, Regional Occupational Centers and...

Author(s): Sharon Christian, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Jul 2009

2008 Survey of Registered Nurses

The 2008 Survey of California Registered Nurses is the sixth in a series of surveys designed to describe licensed nurses in California and to examine changes over time. Other studies were completed...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz, Dennis Keane, Carolina Herrera
Date: June 23, 2009

Forecasting the Nursing Shortage in California (2009)

Forecasting the supply and demand of the nursing workforce is crucial to understanding the short and long term needs for nurses in California and for identifying strategies for addressing future...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz
Date: June 12, 2009

Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners in Specialty Care: Six Practices Make It Work

Physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) are increasingly being incorporated into outpatient specialty practices to improve access to care and reduce wait times. PAs and NPs also...

Author(s): Sharon Christian, Catherine Dower
Date: Jun 2009

Update on California’s Nursing Workforce (Sacramento, CA)

While the number of RN programs as well as graduation numbers have increased, and some regions do not currently in this recession experience a shortage, the overall projected shortage of nurses still...

Author(s): Susan A. Chapman
Date: Mar 2009

2007-2008 Annual School Regional Reports

Each year, the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) requires all pre-licensure registered nursing programs in California to complete a survey detailing statistics of their programs, students...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz, Renae Waneka
Date: March 1, 2009

Restructuring California's Mental Health Workforce: Interviews with Key Stakeholders

The mental health workforce is challenged to provide needed mental health services to a growing and increasingly diverse population in California. By interviewing stakeholders and reviewing key...

Author(s): Vincent Lok, Sharon Christian, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Mar 2009