Browse Publications

Beyond the Balanced Budget Act of 1997: Strengthening Federal GME Policy

Current physician workforce trends indicate a need to reform federal graduate medical education (GME) policy to better align policy with market signals and the public interest. The transformation of...

Author(s): The Pew Health Professions Commission
Date: October 1, 1998

Physicians and Nonphysician Clinicians: Complements or Competitors?

Editorial accompanying an article on trends in the supplies of advanced practice nurses and physician assistants. Full Publication

Author(s): Kevin Grumbach, Janet M. Coffman
Source: JAMA
Date: September 2, 1998

The Task Force on Accreditation of Health Professions Education: Working Papers

With the rapid pace of change in the educational and health care systems today, the ability of health professions education accreditation to respond to the needs of the professions, educational...

Author(s): UCSF Center for the Health Professions , the Taskforce on Health Care Workforce Regulation
Date: Jun 1998

Physician Supply and Medical Education in California: a Comparison with National Trends

Concerns have been voiced about an impending oversupply of physicians in the United States. Do these concerns also apply to California, a state with many unique demographic characteristics? We...

Author(s): Kevin Grumbach, Janet M. Coffman, John Young, Karen Vranizan, Noelle Blick
Date: May 1998

An Overview of Graduate Medical Education: Funding Streams, Policy Problems, and Options for Reform

In this article, we examine the financing mechanisms for graduate medical education (GME) in the United States. In so doing, we identify Medicare as the single largest contributor to GME and the most...

Author(s): John Young, Janet M. Coffman
Date: May 1998

Hospital Employment of Nursing Personnel. Has There Really Been a Decline?

There was a steady increase in the number of hours worked by nursing personnel in California hospitals from 1977 through 1996, mostly due to an increase in the number of hours worked by registered...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz
Date: Mar 1998

Considering the Future of Health Care Workforce Regulation

In December 1995 the Taskforce on Health Care Workforce Regulation released their findings and recommendations in a report entitled Reforming Health Care Workforce Regulation: Policy Considerations...

Author(s): Christine Gragnola, Elizabeth Stone
Date: December 1, 1997

Insights into Medical Student Career Choices Based on Third- and Fourth-Year Students' Focus-Group Discussions

PURPOSE: To identify previously unrecognized factors influencing medical students' career choices and to better characterize the effects of educational experiences, role models, and educational debt...

Author(s): Sunita Mutha, John Takayama, Ed O'Neil
Date: July 1, 1997

Strategies for Change and Improvement

Accreditation amounts to a public seal of approval - a guarantee of quality. But with the proliferation of agencies that accredit academic programs over the years, this process has become...

Author(s): Sherril Gelmon, Ed O'Neil, James Kimmey, the Task Force on Accreditation of Health Professions Education
Date: June 1, 1996

Critical Challenges: Revitalizing the Health Professions for the Twenty-First Century

American health care is experiencing fundamental change. What was recently conceived as a set of policy changes for reform is now being lent the form and weight of institutional reality by the...

Author(s): The Pew Health Professions Commission
Date: December 1, 1995