California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
Search CHIPs
Impacting Safety & Quality in Chronic Pain Management
Lisa WardProject Goal: To reduce the number of patients at risk for overdose by enhancing infrastructure that tracks and facilitates safe, appropriate opioid prescribing in three primary care clinics.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF
Together we SOAR – Improving Specialty Screening Opportunities for Cancers and Retinopathy
Tracy ImleyProject Goal: To improve the health of the members at Kaiser Permanente by screening for four (4) major illnesses at all outpatient specialty clinic visits at the South Bay Medical Center.
September 1, 2016View/Download PDF
Improving Patient Satisfaction Outcomes through Better Hearing
Rupa BalachandranProject Goal: To improve communication between providers and hearing-impaired adults in clinical settings.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Improving Continuity of Care Through Health Information Exchange
Danielle OrynProject Goal: To improve care team access to patient information by implementing health information exchange.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Clinical Effectiveness Leadership Training Course
Bryan BohmanProject Goal: To provide participants the understanding and tools necessary to conduct state-of-the-art clinical practice improvement projects, use quality improvement methods to manage and integrate non-clinical processes, implement quality improvement programs, and conduct internal quality improvement training.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Integrative Pain Management: Transforming Care for Chronic Pain in the San Francisco Health Network
Joseph PaceProject Goals: To improve the functional status and well-being of patients with chronic pain, and improve staff experience with managing chronic pain.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF
Optimizing Physician Use of the Electronic Health Record
Albert ChanProject Goal: To develop a learning ecosystem to improve physicians’ achievement and maintenance of electronic health record (EHR) skill competency in a sustainable way and improve physician satisfaction with the EHR support we deliver to them.
September 1, 2015View/Download PDF