California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care.
Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.
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Improving Blood Pressure Control with Technology Enabled Virtual Care
Meg ScottProject Goal: To improve blood pressure control and decrease adverse health outcomes for One Medical Group patients with hypertension.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
“Safe Place For Youth”: Clinic for Homeless Youth
Karen LampProject Goal: To improve the health status of homeless youth in Los Angeles who currently do not access medical services, by improving access to care and creating a positive patient experience for this population.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
Patient Focused Interventions: Reduce Readmissions
Nancy SkophammerProject Goal: To develop an organized intervention in hospitalized patients with a moderate to high probability of readmission or early death.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
Leveraging an Innovation Center to Build Capacity for Practice Transformation
Jay LeeProject Goal: To maximize delivery of Triple Aim+1 across MemorialCare Medical Group offices by building capacity to implement the PCMH/Practice Transformation model to provide high quality health care at a reasonable cost and an enhanced patient experience leading to better health and well-being (physical, emotional, spiritual, and civic).
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF
Improving Quality of Life for the Seriously Ill
Suzanne Tay-KelleyProject Goal: To improve quality of life for seriously ill patients at UCSF’s Mt Zion campus.
September 1, 2014View/Download PDF