California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs)

Ako Jacinto presents his CHIP

California Health Care Improvement Projects (CHIPs) are designed by CHCF Health Care Leadership Program participants with the goal of addressing meaningful challenges or opportunities in health care. 

Browse CHIPs to leverage the work of CHCF alumni and find opportunities to collaborate in order to improve health for Californians.

Search CHIPs

Telephone Appointments, an Access to Care Alternative

Jorge Ramirez

Project Goal: To provide an alternative for immediate, convenient, effective and, for now, free of charge access to medical care through telephone appointments.

September 1, 2015
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Palliative Care Integration Into The Clinical Care of Advanced Congestive Heart Failure

Tim Corbin

Project Goal: To improve quality of care and outcomes for advanced heart failure patients by integration of Palliative Care specialty service into routine treatment.

September 1, 2015
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Implementation of Teach Flu a Lesson – School-Based Vaccination Clinics

Robert Riewerts

Project Goal: To increase the number of vaccinated children in southland elementary schools, thus creating herd immunity in a vulnerable population and closing health disparity gaps in our membership and/or communities in which we live and serve.

September 1, 2015
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On-Site Tuberculosis Clinic in Los Angeles Skid Row Homeless Shelter

Condessa Curley

Project Goal: To reduce and eliminate transmission of Tuberculosis in the Pathways to Home Homeless shelter by 2020.

September 1, 2015
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High Value Care in the Safety Net: Implementation of Clinical Decision Support for High Cost Diagnostic Imaging in a Large Public Health System

Jennifer Sayles

Project Goal: To reduce inappropriate orders of high cost diagnostic and imaging tests performed in the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services system.

September 1, 2015
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Registry to Improve Depression Management

Nancy Facher

Project Goal: To provide patients with evidence-based treatments to treat their depression "to target": a 50% reduction in their baseline PHQ-9 score.

September 1, 2015
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OBGYN Surgery Dollars Recovery Project

Susan Scott

Project Goal: To improve overall efficiency of Surgery Department at Ventura County Medical Center.

September 1, 2015
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